Do I Need To See a Neurologist for Memory Problems?

The brain is the center of your life. It is where you store short-term and long-term memories throughout your life. Anyone can forget little things, but it can be a cause for concern if memory problems become more frequent. Luckily, you can get professional care at the Center for Neurological Treatment & Research. Dr. Richard Rubinowicz is a Nashville, TN neurology expert who can assist you.

When To Seek a Consultation for Memory Problems

As you age, you may be slightly more forgetful, but it doesn't mean you have dementia. It's time to consult with a local neurologist if memory problems affect your overall daily function. For example, is it harder to do a job that was once on autopilot for you? Has managing daily tasks become difficult due to your extreme forgetfulness? If it's harder to maintain independence because of dangers imposed by memory issues, it may be time for professional assistance and diagnosis

Anyone can be forgetful at any age but be alarmed if memory loss is persistent and seems to worsen over time. Occasionally forgetting the car keys is not a big deal, but what happens when you forget the names of people you have known for years? Have you started to get lost in very familiar places? Be aware of asking the same question repeatedly.

How Can a Neurologist Diagnose Issues?

The first thing you should do is consult with a local neurology expert in Nashville, TN. Your provider will perform a series of tests and assessments to identify the main source of your memory issues. Expect some questions about family history. After all, if there is a memory disorder such as dementia or Alzheimer's that runs in your family, you could be susceptible to it

You can expect your neurology assessment to consist of problem-solving, language, attention, and cognitive function evaluations. Your neurologist will likely run MRI and CT scans to create detailed brain images. A doctor will look for signs of stroke, tumors, or brain atrophy that could affect your memory. An EEG measures electrical activity in the brain and may help diagnose epilepsy. A general physical exam with blood tests can reveal infections, vitamin deficiencies, and other conditions that may temporarily affect your brain.

The Center for Neurological Treatment & Research is the place to go when you have brain health concerns. Dr. Rubinowicz is your neurology doctor in Nashville, TN. He can determine the cause of your memory problems and help with treatment. Call us at (615) 355-5510 for a professional consultation.


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